
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

And the winner is...

Hello sweet friends!

How has your week been going so far?

{Here's hoping it has been lovely!}

Well now...

The Cymax giveaway has officially ended, and it's time to announce a winner! I used to put all the names in a basket and draw the winner that way, but then I discovered the "Random Generator" thing-a-ma-bob, and love it! Have you tried it out?

You put in your minimum number (1) and the number of entries you received as the maximum, and click on "generate", and it gives you the winning number! See, easy as pie, right?

And as you can see, "27" is the winning number, and so the winner of this giveaway is Living in La La Land!

Congratulations, you win the $50 gift certificate to!

Thank you to all of you who entered this giveaway! We will be doing another giveaway in the next week or so, so stay tuned! :)

I hope you all have a good night! I am sorry this is such a short post...I will be back again tomorrow with a more substantial post! :)

Blessings to you~



  1. Congrats to your lucky winner!
    What a great give away! x

  2. Congrats to the winner! Have fun shopping!

    Have a great day, Jenni!
    :) ~Michelle

  3. Congrats and enjoy Living in La La!!!


Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and say hello! We love hearing what's on your mind, and your sweet notes make our day! We read and appreciate each and every one! We hope you have a beautiful day!