
Friday, June 10, 2011

Baking gluten-free bread... not for the faint of heart. Though, after baking yet another tasteless loaf of bread, one might certainly feel that way. I know I have. I mean, honestly, there comes a point when one has enough bread crumbs from all the flops to last a year! There comes a point when one just wants to receive a good tasting loaf of bread for all their efforts.

I know I do.

If someone had told me a couple months ago that I would be baking bread when I could purchase it so easily, I would have told them they were crazy! After all, I already knew my pizza dough potential was like zero. So, knowing I had zero potential making something as simple as pizza dough, why would I suddenly think I could bake bread? What could possibly bring me to my bread-baking knees?

Only one thing I can think of... I love my family.

The signs of gluten sensitivity have been present for awhile. I just hadn't recognized the signs for what they were, until one day last month. The good news is not all my efforts to make and bake good tasting gluten-free foods have been a loss.

However, there are things we eat everyday that have certainly been a challenge to make. One being bread. I was disappointed, to say the least, with store-bought, gluten-free bread; first with its price and secondly, the small sized loaf.

Though I am still not satisfied with the taste and texture of my homemade breads, I have had a few bread-baking breakthroughs. So far, I've made four loaves of bread that I plan to make again. Yesterday, for instance, I baked a basic white bread with sesame seeds and flax seed meal that tasted just about the same as a store-bought loaf I tried weeks ago. {Thank the Lord, because I wasn't sure how much longer my sweet family could eat another one of my bread-baking flops!}

So, what grand insight did I discover that made it possible for me to go from "can she flop another bread?" to "yes, she can make bread!"? Reading this, reviewing lots of recipes and making all those flop breads. Truth is, we learn more from our failures. Still, I gotta say, it's been a joy to learn from my successes too! {Such as the loaf of bread seen below.}

It's not perfect, but at least it tastes good. Not great, but good. When I bake a loaf that tastes great, I'll be sure to share the recipe.

So if you wonder why I don't blog often, now you know. In addition to everything else, I'm watching bread dough rise and contemplating the perfection combination of ingredients in my mind. I admit, at times I feel a bit like the Miller's daughter in Rumpelstiltskin, but instead of trying to turn straw into gold, I am trying to make rice flour taste like wheat flour and so far it hasn't happened! I'll let you know should I figure out how.

So there you have it. A newbie's thoughts on gluten-free bread baking.
Probably more than you ever wanted to know, and there's more to come... ; )

simply . living . life


  1. It may not be a perfect loaf but it looks beautiful! I don't know much about gluten-free cooking other than that when I make Larkin dog biscuits I have to use oat flour because she can't have wheat. I hope as you continue to experiment things get easier for you. It must be difficult to make this change, but love for one's family always comes before convenience, doesn't it? Have a good weekend!


  2. Hey Belle,
    As you probably know, I've been gluten free for 3 years. I have to give you two thumbs up for trying and trying again in the gluten free bread department. The loaf you put on here looks great! I am blessed that I was never a big bread eater before I found out I was a celiac. Did you make the bread in a bread machine or the regular way? I know alot of celiacs that use the machines. It all gets easier the longer you are at it! Have a great weekend!

  3. Looking forward to more posts like these, Belle! I'm amidst a gluten-free transition as well. My husband is very meat & potatoes (and stubborn) so it's been a touch difficult! lol

  4. I agree with how amazing it looks! I am wheat intolerant too so I sympathize. Looking forward to th ultimate bread recipe

  5. Hi Belle, gluten free baking is so hard to master. We went through a gluten free phase for some time here with my son, and now I do low gluten and that is working out for us, luckily. I had loads of flops, and still do. That loaf looks amazing though! X

  6. I looked to see where your photos came from - they look completely professional! Please save a piece for me. I'm a-coming over right this minute!!



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