
Friday, August 13, 2010

Container Gardening

Now to all of you avid gardeners, I have a little disclaimer here: I am not what I what I would consider a true gardener. I have a garden, and enjoy working in it when I can. And I have high hopes that one day, I'll actually know what in the world I'm doing.

But at least for now, my friend across the street~ THE gardener in our neighborhood~ is kind enough to give me advice and even offers to work with me in my garden. So I bake cookies for her family. She thinks she is getting a better deal, but I know better. :)

So, all that said, when I can cut a bouquet of my own flowers, it definitely brings a smile to my face! I think hydrangeas are one of the most beautiful flowers...

I have planted one hydrangea bush so far, but plan on adding another to the back yard next year...

Sometimes when you buy a forgotten, unloved home, it can be difficult to know where to start! We have concentrated on the inside, because it needed all the time we could give it...but I have dreams of what the yard and garden will look like one day!

Meanwhile, I have discovered a deep and abiding love for the art of container gardening. Adding a few containers of varying kind and size in with your other flowers and shrubs allows you to mix it up a bit: plant spring bulbs in a pot, then remove it when it is done flowering. Replace it with a mix of annuals for the summer. For me, it is a way to have a little variety in my garden.
I love using galvanized buckets and bins, little red wheelbarrows, and of course, clay pots. Almost anything can be used to plant flowers in! :)
But my favorite "container" is the vintage washer I found for sale at my friend's store years back.

I have never EVER regretted this purchase! It makes me happy every time I see it! Every spring, my baby daffodils come up, and I plant petunias every summer. :)

Do you see the ivy to the right of the washer? This has been growing in a cedar planter for years, and I love it! It provides green all year! I get mixed opinions on ivy in general, but I am for it. I allow it to wrap behind and in front of the washer, because I like the way it looks. It's true that ivy is an invasive plant, though, and you have to keep an eye on it!
Growing up, I was always an "inside" girl. I never thought I'd have a garden. I didn't like working in the yard at all. Funny how owning this little house has changed that!
Well, that's all for me tonight! Thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you all enjoy the weekend! :)


  1. That's terrific Jenni! I love your "planter"! And I too strive to be a true gardener one day, so yep, I think the neighbor is doing you a service;) Isn't it nice how things work out, you bake, learn gardening and get to share time with a kindred spirit!

  2. Hello Jenni,
    Thank you for your visit, you also have that special touch! Your gardening is beautiful, photo's prove that :)
    I will see you soon

  3. Just wanted to say those blue hydrangeas are gorgeous!
    BTW, did you know you could change the color of hydrangeas by adding ash to the soil? Just a tidbit of information I learned.

  4. I always enjoy seeing your washer turned flower pot. It's so pretty! I love working out in our yard and like you, we lots of ideas and plans for the future!

  5. nice container, i loved your last photo.

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    "The voice of parents is the voice of gods, for to their children they are heaven's lieutenants. " -- Shakespeare

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