
Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The giveaway winner announced!

First of all, we want to say thank you to all of you who entered our giveaway here at Beautiful Nest! And thank you again to CSN Stores, for sponsoring this generous giveaway!

As our giveaway ended last night, it is time to announce a winner! I printed out all of your entries, and put them inside a basket...

I handed the basket to my husband, who mixed up the entries a bit...

He picked out a slip of paper, and handed it to me. And the winner is...

...Tricia from Notes of Sincerity! Congratulations, Tricia! You win the $40 gift certificate to CNS Stores!

Now for those of you who didn't win, don't lose heart! You will have another chance to win a giveaway! Actually, two chances!

Here's the deal:

Come back next Monday, September 13, for another giveaway! This one is sponsored by us, and the theme is "Autumn".

Then, after entering the giveaway here, be sure and stop by Nest to Keep (Jenni's other blog) next for a second giveaway, with "Cottage Kitchen" as it's theme! Both giveaways will start on the 13th!

And as always, thank you all so much for stopping by for a visit! Have a wonderful night!



Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and say hello! We love hearing what's on your mind, and your sweet notes make our day! We read and appreciate each and every one! We hope you have a beautiful day!