
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Winter Snowflake Garland {with miniature doilies}

Hi friends! I hope this Tuesday finds you doing well! I just love this between Christmas and New Year's~ how about you?

Well now, ever since finding these miniature doilies at JoAnn's this past November, I have been almost obsessed with them.

{Well, okay, maybe not obsessed. But definitely loving them!}

These sweet little doilies caught my eye because they reminded me of the little crocheted snowflakes my grandma would make and then starch. She gave some as a gift to us, and my mom used little clear suction cups to hang them here and there on the front window...I remember thinking as a child that there was nothing more beautiful!

{I also wanted to show you this: these miniature doilies come in both ivory and white.}

When I bought these doilies, I wasn't exactly sure what I would use them for, but found one use a couple of days later...

{When folded, they made little wings for the paper birds I was working on.}

But as I was working on the paper birds, I began to think of how cute these would be as a garland...

To make this, I decided about how many doilies I wanted to use/ how long I wanted the garland to be, and added these little metal adhesive embellishments:

I first imagined using twine for this project, but it didn't look quite right. The snowflakes needed something fuller to weave through them, and this sheer ribbon was just right. A little slippery to work with, but so worth it!

I wasn't sure how long I would need the ribbon to be, so I didn't cut it at first. I just looped the ribbon through the little doilies as I added them, making small spaces between each one.

When I'd added all of the doilies and had the right spaces between them, and I liked the amount of ribbon I had to work with on each side of the garland, I knew I could safely cut the ribbon off from the roll.

Lay your garland out and, in the middle of each space between each of the doilies, tie a small piece of matching ribbon around the ribbon connecting the doilies...

Don't make a tight knot until you have it ready to hang up, though, just in case you will need to adjust things...

{ahem...I did this, and it was really difficult to undo it...}

And once you have a tie between each doily, your garland is ready to hang up!

In the kitchen, I used mini clothespins sprayed white to hang each side up. I just hung it beneath my curtain, about half way up the window.

{I didn't want to remove the kitchen valance, as it is the only curtain we have in any of our main rooms at present, due to all of our renovating...}

In the living room, I hung it a little differently:

I tied it up each side and in the middle, and added bows to each part I tied up for a little extra oomph...

Now I was wavering on starching them, but decided not to. Most of the ones I was using were thicker and firmer, and I liked them better unstarched. {Personal preference.} However, I was at the bottom of the barrel by the time I was finishing the garland for the living room, and had to use a couple of more flimsy ones, and can see why you would want to starch them if this was the way they all were! And it isn't hard at all to use the starch, if you should decide to do this. Just a few mists of the spray starch, and you let it dry! :)

I admit I thought of these as my Christmas garlands, but realized they can really be used all winter long...

At least I hope they can, because I plan on doing it! ;)

So...what do you think?

Well, I hope you have a wonderful night! :)



{I am linking this to Freckled Laundry and Under the Table and Dreaming.}


  1. Those are beautiful and they totally remind me of growing up! Thanks for sharing!

  2. So pretty! I love it on your fireplace. I shared it on my Tatertots facebook page and linked to you :)


  3. Aaaah, these are beautiful ideas, Jenni. I like all your instructions too - especially the bits about *not* cutting the ribbon until you're sure you've got the right length. I'm afraid I've done that before, in a fit of enthusiasm!! Very irksome to have to start all over again!

    I love the week between Christmas and New Year too. It feels so slow and relaxed....but with plenty of time to see friends and family too. The perfect combination, I think!

    Happy New Year,


  4. This garland is so simple and just so pretty! What a fantastic idea! I might have to get my mum busy making me doilies! X

  5. Jenni those are beautiful! I love the way they look in the window, very soft and romantic. I think I will have to save this for next year! Great ideas!

    Happy New Year!!!

  6. Stopping by from TT&J via Facebook:

    Stunning. Your white and white theme is beautiful!

  7. Your doily garland looks beautiful, Jenni! So shabby chic. Are those mercury glass candlesticks up there, girlie?


  8. Love it, love it, love it. Cute, cute, cute!

    Ah, you're so talented!

  9. That is really sweet! It looks great on the mantel.


  10. Hi Jenni,
    I love them!
    I too love Christmas and the New Year!
    I am enjoying the snow so much! I actually thanked God for it this morning when I saw it falling. It just makes thing feel fresh and new!
    My hubby and I are headed over to the coast for a little romantic getaway-Hope you have a wonderful New Year day/night! Maybe we can all get together this year huh? :)


  11. I love these. I crocheted and hung a few yarn snowflakes on my french doors in the kitchen.

  12. BEAUTIFUL! The entire display(s) is just stunning! I always just sort of skip straight from Christmas to Valentines, so I may be adapting this for my V-day displays!

    Rock star quality, as always. ;)


  13. I think they're cute as they can be! I wish I could happen upon some doilies. We don't have a Jo-anns here.

  14. Hi Jenni! This garland is adorable! The doilies are so precious and dainty. Looks fabulous on your fireplace. Thanks so much for linking up to The Sunday showcase party - I have featured this today. Stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Hope you have a wonderful week ~ Stephanie Lynn


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