
Thursday, January 13, 2011

Getting It Together in 2011

{All pictures courtesy of Martha Stewart.}

It happens every year. After Christmas, I have an intense need to go through things and haul half of the house down to the local Goodwill.

I dream of a place for everything and everything in its place.

And all things stored neatly and clearly labeled...

More than anything, as January comes, I want our house to be clean and organized and clutter free.

{This is no small feat with five of us under the roof of this 1,506 square foot nest.}

So as I'm pondering these areas of concern, and talking to my sister Belle about it, I realized they all really fall under three points:




So we thought it would be fun to do some posts on these points this month, as well as to have a few guest bloggers share their tips and strategies for living the organized life.

Be sure to stop by tomorrow if you have the chance~ we have our first guest blogger visiting for Getting It Together, who is a pro at organizing...I am just hoping for some of that to rub off on me! ;)

{Now I just have to drop off that mountain of donations packed into the back of our mini van...} ;)

But that's for tomorrow...

I hope you all have a blessed night! Thank you for stopping by!




  1. I regularly take mounds of stuff to the Goodwill but end up bringing just as much home... oh well - looking forward to your organizing series!

  2. I have a bag in the car to go to GW, but I know that it will still be there in March...Maybe someone can tell me how to organize my car?LOL! Seriously, looking forward to the upcoming posts!

  3. Three bags for GW in my kitchen floor right now! Now, if I can just drop them off and NOT go inside! ;)

  4. I know! I feel that need.....We only have 320 sq feet in our little home (REALLY!) and three of us, but things STILL get lost. My husband and son have a rule "if it's lost, we did it, if it is REALLY lost," - as in it takes over a week to find something - "mom did it."

    Often, in my quest to de-clutter, I find a great, new, spot to put it in. One nobody else would think of. Then we cannot find it for DAYS!

    May the force be with you....

  5. Great post! I completely understand! Our house tends to feel like it's bursting at the seams by the end of the year. I bet it will feel good to unload that van :)

    Look forward to the post! I need all the help I can get, haha!

    Have a great night, Jenni!



  6. I am looking forward to these posts, Jenni! I am moving house and as I sort through loads of stuff, I am promising myself that my new home will be organised and clutter free!
    Some tips and storage ideas will be greatly appreciated!!! X

  7. Sounds like some great posts ahead. Looking forward to it!


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