
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

It's more than just a {nest}

 It's more than just a nest.  A home is not made of four walls.  That's a house.  A home is filled with sweet laughter and tears, joy and thankfulness, music and dessert, mud and a mop to clean it off the floor, toys scattered all about and laundry galore.

For the last year, my family has been on the adventure of a lifetime, in between here and there, and I've been dreaming of a sweet house we could call our own.  These months haven't been easy, no adventure worth traveling ever is, but if its one thing I've learned throughout this process its this, if the Lord calls you to it, He'll lead you through it.  I also realized it wasn't as much a house I longed for these last few years, as much as a home.  

I had it all along.   

As you sit reading this blog today, remember this.  In the end, its not how beautiful our house was that will matter, but how incredible our lives were while living within the comfort and safety of its walls.

So have a picnic on the living room floor, laugh a little more, give thanks to the Lord, have a family fun night, go for a bike ride...

 resume date night with your husband, throw the Frisbee in the back yard, enjoy the fellowship of family and friends, but whatever you do live life...

...and leave a beautiful legacy!

Live, laugh, love, teach, hope and give.  Because its more than just a house in which you reside.  Its your home, and your home is a representation of your life.  Its a gift from God.  Live it well and above all, may you be blessed!

...where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 
Luke 12:34 



  1. Belle,

    Thank you for such a great reminder! It looks like the Lord has blessed you with a beautiful family. I need to slow down some days and not worry about how many projects I tackle in one day. My kids won't remember that part. I downsized and cut some of my load, last month at it has been such a blessing.

    Looks like you have a journey worth traveling :) Blessings to your family!


  2. Gorgeous images and gorgeous words. X

  3. Def. a reminder we all need with the busyness of life. Have a beautiful day!

  4. What a beautiful post and a great reminder that it is us that makes a house a home. Your pictures are so precious and that last one is priceless!

  5. Beautiful sentiments as a truthful reminder to all of us.

  6. What a beautiful post! You have much to treasure there :-)

  7. So true!!! I have been learning this same lesson recently. It isn't how perfect my house looks that matters but how many happy memories are made in it.

    I miss my 2 bedroom trailer so much some days. It was tiny and we moved out before we had a baby cause there was not enough room for a baby in it.

    But I miss the good memories, not the trailer. :)


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