
Sunday, August 21, 2011

What is going on around here...

Hello dear friends~

How was your weekend? I'm hoping it was a good one for each of you! :)

Okay, it seems I am always saying this...but here I go again...I have been a little MIA lately around these parts, and just wanted to say sorry for being such a bad blogger friend! I had to take an unexpected blogging break~ between summer activities, vacations, and home projects, it has been a little "looney tunes" lately! ;) I have always thought of summer as a time that is supposed to be relaxing, but reality, it really ramps up around here in about every way possible! :)

And did I mention home projects? ;) Yes, we have been working on things, really we have! ;)

Making one of these...

{in our master bedroom}

View in Room

I just love the character and warmth even a faux fireplace adds to a room, don't you?

A faux fireplace has been on our to-do list for three years now, so it is very exciting to finally be doing this! :)


I have also been working on this:

Namely, painting our front porch! It really needed some attention, and I am trying to make our front porch a nice place to walk up to...

These photos are some of my inspiration...aren't they such gorgeous porches?

 Although our porch has been painted and sealed, I have to wait to put anything decorative on it until this coming weekend!


But I can't wait to add a little loveliness to the porch with flower pots, a cute porch bench {in progress} and door mat! I will be sure to show you it as soon as it is done!



 And now I have to confess...I have been redoing the plank wall in our bedroom!

Yes, redoing it! 

{blushing profusely now}

But for a few reasons, I was unhappy with how it looked...however, now all of new planks are up, and I am really happy with it! :)

{Photos are courtesy of Better Homes and Gardens, Country Living, and Pottery Barn.}

{I will have before and after pictures for everything soon, I promise!} And I will be by to say hello to you all and catch up on what you have been up to!

I hope you have a lovely night, and a great Monday!



  1. Lovely, and yes, I sigh about that porch too! It's perfect!

    Pop on over and visit my blog sometime soon...


  2. I've missed you!

    I can't wait to see all that you have done! I'm needing some inspiration.

    Stop by soon!

  3. I love those inspirational images, just the right thing to keep your motivation running high! I have been finding life crazy busy too so I truely know where you are coming from!!! Have a great week! God bless! x

  4. Hello my friend! Oh summer is always so busy and crazy here too. I can't wait to see what you have been working on. School starts after Labor Day here but I am ready for them to go back but we have lots to do before that. I hope you can find some time for yourself too. :)
    Hugs to you!

  5. Summer has a way of pulling us here and there. Your inspiration photos are beautiful, especially the front porch ones. Can't wait to see your version. Patty

  6. I'm sure it is all beautiful if you have a hand in it!

  7. Will be excited to see the out come my dear friend!

  8. Hi Jenni, thank you for visiting my blog! I need to go MIA away from this blog - so I can get things done! I love LOVE front porches. Our new-to-us house is a wall of windows - I love lot of windows, but I need a porch! I'm hoping in 3yrs we'll be doing a wrap around. Good luck on your progress!
    btw, have you done any kids rooms? If so, I'd love for you to join my new blog hop today. It's specifically on kids' & nursery decor - stages of decorating or ideas or products. It's my first party so if you know of others that might be intersted, feel free to pass the word along! Have a great day!

  9. The inspiration photos are just gorgeous! Hope you are having fun doing your projects...that's the best part!
    PS...this is for she still blogging? I have missed her...tell her so for me:)

  10. Hi Jenni~ cant wait to see how your projects turn out! Hey I was thinking since we are both in Seattle we should get together for coffee and antiquing someday soon? xo Rachel

    French Farmhouse 425

  11. Swoon - all just such lovely photos. I would love to walk into any of them! Linking into Sarah's party too ;) XOL

  12. Jenni, I can't wait to see all of your projects you have been working on. I love all those beautiful pictures of front porches! Don't feel bad about redoing your plank wall. It is more important in the long run that you do it the way you like :)



Thank you so much for taking the time to stop by and say hello! We love hearing what's on your mind, and your sweet notes make our day! We read and appreciate each and every one! We hope you have a beautiful day!