
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Sweet baby chicks {A dream come true!}

It is late into the night as I type this. I am watching over our newest offspring, waiting for the temperature in their little  coop to reach 90 degrees. After two and a half hours, it has finally reached 80!

 But I really don't mind the late hour.

I have wanted chickens for years now, and am smiling ear to ear as I watch them not sleep!

Part of this is my fault, for every time they get settled down, I have to adjust the heat lamp so they'll be warm enough.

I am new as this, chicken raising. But I am not new to crazy late hours. It has just been a while since I have had newborns! ;)

One of my dearest friends {who is also my next door neighbor} has had chickens for several years. I have said someday, when everything is just so.

I was looking out my kitchen window this week at the back yard, and it hit me: I was living in the future.

A particular paragraph of C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters came to mind, essentially saying that the only places in time we are to live in now are 1. eternity, and 2. the present. 

I will confess, it is my own tendency to live in the future. Someday when we have a farm...Someday when we have our old farmhouse...Someday when I have chickens and a lavender farm...

I chalked it up to attempting patience, and it's true, part of our dreams will have to wait.

{I can only imagine what the neighbors would say if I tried to put horses, a goose, and a calf in the backyard!} ;)

But chickens? I have room for these. 

I can't tell you for certain that we will be able to have that dream of living in the country. Maybe God has a different plan for us.

Or it could happen next month, next year, or ten years from now. But when it comes, if it comes, I don't want to look back at this time and realize I wasn't living to the fullest right where He had placed me.

So this is my leap of faith. It isn't necessarily the perfect timing to start this particular adventure! And thank goodness we have about six weeks until the chicks will be old enough to be in an outside coop, because we still have to build it! ;)

But as I watch these sweet chicks tonight, I am reminded to:

pray continually
dream often
live now

I hope you have a blessed and restful night, and a beautiful tomorrow! I will be back again with better {daylight} pictures of the chicks! :)

Your friend,


  1. Oh what a wonderful post...I am so happy you got your chicks...and I just love that last little quote...I am going to write that one done(now before I forget it)x0x0

  2. They are adorable! So sweet. :-)

  3. Jenni, I'm so happy you finally got your chicks! They're so cute!! This was a great post about living now! I miss you. :)

  4. Oh, these are the cutest. I can understand that you don`t mind wathing them late night.


  5. Oh Jenni,
    I couldn't decide which was sweetest, the chicks or your decided it was a tie!


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