
Friday, February 4, 2011

Old Photographs on the Galvanized Metal Window

Hi sweet friends!

I hope you had a good week, and that you are ready for the weekend! :)

(I know I sure am!)

Well, I wanted to first tell you sorry...I think I have won the infamous "Worst Blogger Friend of the Month" award...Okay, but if there was such an award, I won it for sure! Between a trip to Phoenix last week, and working on our home like crazy this week, I did not do very much blogging. I hope you know how much I appreciate each one of you, and the time you spend here. I don't take you for granted, I promise! I will be coming by to visit you, and can't wait to see what you have been up to! :)

{Yep, I'm nosey like that.} ;)

Well now...I wanted to show you a little something, nothing huge or elaborate, just something kind of fun. :)

When I added galvanized metal to an old window, I originally intended to make some glass magnets, and use it as a magnetic memo board. However, I found it looked so cute on the mantel, that it stayed there...just like this...

Somehow a memo board didn't quite fit over the fireplace. ;)

But when Danielle at My Blessed Serendipity Life suggested using magnets to display pictures on it, I knew she was onto something! I love this idea!

{Thank you, Danielle!}

The older I get, the more I feel connected to the past, and to those who were a part of it.

Many of them I never had the privilege to know. I know them only through the stories my parents have told, but it has given me just a little glimpse into who they were.

There is something about looking old photos that touches my heart. I wonder what they were thinking. Often the faces look so serious, I think they must be thinking very deep thoughts...but perhaps they are just thinking that their clothing feels rather uncomfortable, and wondering how much longer until the picture is taken?

Now if you would like to make your own window with galvanized metal, you can find my tutorial here.

If you would like to make your own glass magnets with fabric, I have included a tutorial here as well. I know that glass magnets are nothing new, and that there are probably only about 1,000,000 tutorials for them online! I just decided I wanted to figure it out on my own. I'm strange that way: I either want to do it "no compass" or I want an extremely detailed tutorial. It all just depends. Therefore, I have included the detailed tutorial. (In case you wonder why I include every.single.step. in my tutorials, that is partly why.) :)

I can tell you that my glue gun couldn't help me out this time.

I can further tell you that my trusty mod podge didn't work with the fabric...go figure. :)

{How to}

This glue is awesome! Put a nice sized dab on the flat side of the magnet, and spread it evenly with a foam brush. Let it set for about ten minutes.

Trace a glass magnet onto your desired fabric. I used lace hem tape. {I am all about hem tape right now.}

Press your fabric cut outs onto the glass, and let dry.

Because my fabric was transparent, I had to back it up with some white felt, so you would not see the magnet!

More glue...

When it has dried, you can glue your magnet on. I found I had to put a generous amount on both the magnet and the felt. I pressed down until the glue oozed around the edges, and set aside at least over night, if not for about 24 hours. When I tried to use it too soon, the magnet came off! So I just gave it more time, and now it's not going anywhere!

And there you go...just in case you wanted to know! ;)

Well, I hope you have a beautiful weekend! Thank you for stopping by! :)

Much love~



  1. Jenni, as always, this project is AMAZING! I LOVE the galvanized metal window and how you have displayed those wonderful photos!! BRILLIANT!! Thanks for the magnet tutorial, they are awesome!! Wishing you a wonderful weekend ~ Tina x

  2. I'm so lovin' this metal idea...looks GREAT!!!!


  3. Beautiful idea! The magnets are wayyy too cute!
    I have an attachment to old family photographs too!!!!
    Thanks for the inspirations!

  4. you have a winner w/ this one. Great job!

  5. What a great idea, I love the older pictures and I am like you, the older I get the more sentimental I get. :)
    Have a wonderful weekend!!

  6. I've not seen a tutorial for these magnets thank you! Even if it was just for me. ;-)

    I love old photos too. REALLY love 'em!

    Your whole display looks fantastic - all the best of the old, with all the best of the new. Perfect!


  7. I love anyway that is different to show off old black and whites. This looks wonderful!

  8. Jenni this looks WONDERFUL!!! Love your magnets too!


  9. It turned out beautiful Jenni. I'm with you on the old photos, I have a whole nook full of them :-)

  10. That is absolutely gorgeous and I love idea of putting the pictures on it with the magnets. Just gorgeous!

  11. I love old, family photos too and they look beautiful displayed on your old window. Those little, lace magnets are great too and seem easy to make.

  12. Those magnets are just gorgeous! That window looks even better than it did... and I didn't think that was possible! The great thing is that you can make changes to your display whenever you feel like it! I can't wait to find some time to make something similar! Those colours are just so perfect too! X

  13. i just LOVE these magnets and can't wait to make my own. Lace is my fave!



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