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Thursday, October 21, 2010

Another Doily Garland~ Adding Nostalgia

{Treasuring the past and seeing my loved ones in a different light}

SO...I have been tweaking my doily garland. I thought it would be fun to try making a doily banner, using tea-dyed clothespins...

My sister {Belle} told me she saw this idea of "antiquing" clothespins at Nancy's Tidbits. What a fantastic idea! I hadn't ever heard of doing this before!

I used mini clothespins and essentially just gave them a hot tea bath overnight. :) I was just kind of experimenting, so whether this is the correct way to do it or not, I don't know...but I like them!

Then I decided to make it like it was before~ more "garland" and less "banner"~ I put all of the other doilies back on but kept the clothespins...

(How it looked before)

I had an idea...Decorating with my grandma's doilies was making me feel very nostalgic. I brought out the pictures from my mom's side of the family, adding them to my little garland...

Photos of my grandma~ one pictures her with my grandpa, as newlyweds...

And my parents as children...I had to put them together on the garland, of course!

And here's the thing: even if you don't have old photos (or copies of old photos like these are) you can use any pictures, really. I think I will try mixing a few of these with some of my children when they were smaller...

I smile every time I pass by this display. And I feel just a little closer to my grandma.

{I miss her.}


I hope you all have a beautiful weekend. :) Thank you so much for coming by!



I am linking this to:

The Shabby Nest

Tatertots and Jello

Just a Girl

Freckled Laundry

Funky Junk Interiors


Mare said...

wow wonderful))....I love this :)) ..... thanks for idea)) ..... now I know how I will use my clothespins))....
have a nice weekend:))
greeting from croatia:))....

Erin said...

Hugging you tight right now Jenni, I love what you have done(looks great both ways) and I love how you love your grandma:)

Melissa @ Honeybee Vintage said...

Love this:) I love looking at pictures of my grandparents. I just love to see them so young and in love:)

Sheila said...

I love your mantle! I'm curious about how long it is. I'm trying to create a mantle and I need to know how big to make it. Yours looks perfect! Thanks.

Mel said...

So very pretty.

Ray* said...

This is so gorgeous. I was I had a fireplace like yours that I could decorate. I'm totally loving the doilies right now - they are sure making a big comeback.

Your blog is great!

Unknown said...

Ooh. This looks GREAT with photos. I can't decide which I like better but I'm leaning toward this one. I had never heard of tea soaking clothespins...clever! Thank you so very much for linking this and your beautiful linen wreath to my first party, Jenni!

♥ Jami

Anna @ Take the Side Street said...

I love how it looks with those photos! It's beautiful, great job!

Thanks for stopping by my blog yesterday and commenting on my cabinet redo -- have a good one!!

Tina said...

Hi Jenni. Your doily garland is FABULOUS!! Oh I love it and adding the photos just makes it perfect!! Thank you for stopping by, I am so gald you did as now I have found you and your gorgeous blog! I am your newest follower. Hope you have a wonderful weekend Jenni ~ Tina x

Brenda Pruitt said...

I'm so glad I found you! This is simply adorable. The addition of the photos was just the icing on the cake!

Anonymous said...
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Sandy Ang said...

What a fantastic idea - love your photo garland.

Elise said...

Oh yes, I LOVE it even more!!

Marilyn Holeman said...

This is a wonderful idea--and beautiful, too! Just visiting from Freckled Laundry--I think I'll be back!

Kristin @ Daydream Designs said...

Oh my goodness I love your garland! I think it's such a great idea to remember family members especially with the holidays coming up. I will definitely be trying this. Thanks so much for sharing!

Robin Beck said...

Love Love LOOOOOOVE it! AND I have tons of old pictures-tons I'm tellin' you! :)


fiberdoodles said...

I love it! I recently hung a little clothes line in my studio with old photos of loved ones but I just love how you used the doilies! They are perfect ;0)

Kathleen said...

Just love this project! i have so many "precious pieces" from family members, and am always looking for new ways to enjoy them.

Simple Home said...

I really loved this idea. I have lots of doilies and I love to display old photos. Now I just need to find those mini clothespins :-)

Anonymous said...

I have to echo what everyone else has said - a lovely, feminine, soft, beautiful display. I've been collecting doiles for a while now and have oodles of them just displayed in an empty suitcase waiting for some magic to happen :) Great ideas are like virus' and i think we all 'caught' this one!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty! said...

Just stumbled across your site!
Beautiful...LOVE White! However my home is all warm tones, very Tuscan...
I need a second home to do in Romantic white! Stop by my BLOG for a GIVEAWAY

*Enter Camille Beckman Luxury Give-Away Here*

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Jenni - This is so adorable and precious! I love the added pictures - such a clever way to display memories. I featured this on the Sunday Showcase post. Stop by and grab a button if you like. Thanks so much for linking up. Hope you are enjoying your week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Tara said...

Great pictures and thanks for sharing. I don't have any old pictures of my grandparents but I can definitely understand why you miss them.

Katie Olthoff said...

This is so beautiful! I love the doilies all layered, and the addition of the pictures is sweet!

Anonymous said...

Hi! I loved your garland - I linked it to my post on "banners and garlands" - great project!