Dear friends, My blog has moved!
Please visit me over at my new site!

I hope to see you there!


Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Moving Day {and a link to Swedish Prairie}

Hello sweet friends!

How is your week going so far? If the weather where you are is anything like it has been here,
 my guess is you have been out enjoying the sunshine!

Now...if you read my last post, you know it is moving day! This means I am finally taking that big step and moving to my new wordpress blog. I am more than a little nervous, but so happy to finally be doing this! 

I want to also say thank you! Thank you, first of all, for the countless times you have stopped by Beautiful Nest and for your friendship! It has been such a blessing to have blogged here for the past three years!
And thank you also for the words of encouragement that were given after my last post! I was so touched that you even still remembered me, after I'd gone so long without writing, and your kindness touched my heart. :)

So are you ready for moving day? I am, definitely! I'm crossing my fingers you will come on over and say hello! Just click here and it will take you to my new blog nest at Swedish Prairie! I will have a welcome post of course, and then in the next post, I have a something special I'm dying to show you!}

Here's a little sneak peek:

See you over at Swedish Prairie!

Much love,


Gord said...

You won't regret moving over to Wordpress on a self hosted site. Well, actually you might at some points, but it's worth it :D.

Burlap Luxe said...

Oh, Jenni,
So happy to see you back blogging your passion.
Jenni, make sure you post the befits of your move from blogger to word press.
Thank you sweet friend for taking the time to visit me and leaving me a comment I will treasure.

Oh, might I ask how is your sister? Is she still blogging?

My love to you and your family.

Unknown said...

I have a WordPress blog myself and find it very easy to use and you still have the facility to produce a great looking blog. I wish you the best of luck with your new look and will be checking in to see what new delights you have in store for us.

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Anonymous said...

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