We were originally going to put wood plank flooring down this spring, and so last December I simply painted our kitchen floor white. I did it to make living with the existing vinyl flooring livable until the spring. However, I wasn't pleased with the products I used...So when, due to a budget crunch early this year, we realized we were going to have to put off wood flooring until next spring, I knew I was going to have to repaint the floor...I want to say a big thanks to Necel from The Old House in Texas, for sharing how she painted squares on her kitchen vinyl and inspiring me to try and do this myself! Her floor looks amazing, and it has been eight years since she painted them! This gave the fortitude to try it yet again, and I hoped for better results!
Unfortunately, the products she used are no longer available. But between her advice and the instructions I read on Do It Yourself, I set off for the hardware store. And this is the plan I came up with:
I sanded the floor with 100 grit sandpaper, then followed that with 220 grit. I scrubbed my floor throughly with soap and water, then washed it again with just water. (I didn't want any soapy residue.)
*If you are painting vinyl, make sure to use TSP, or an ammonia based cleaner. This will remove the sheen from the vinyl. Now, I opted not to use these products since my vinyl had already been painted. I was wary of what this would do to the coats of paint already on the floor...
I used Bulls Eye primer and sealer. I was looking for a high-adhesive primer that was also a sealer, but couldn't find both of those in the same primer, but no matter! It worked wonderfully! I primed the floor twice, letting it dry between coats.
(This above picture is from December, when I was priming it the first time, so you can see the way it looked before!
I used tintable porch and floor paint by Valspar, found at Lowe's. I love this stuff! You can have it mixed into almost any color they have available in their paint color aisle. I chose for them to add just a little cream color to it, to make a soft white that would match my white cabinets. I painted this base coat on three times, making sure it dried thoroughly between coats. The instructions said to wait 24 hours between coats, but I didn't always obey this rule!
I used tintable porch and floor paint by Valspar, found at Lowe's. I love this stuff! You can have it mixed into almost any color they have available in their paint color aisle. I chose for them to add just a little cream color to it, to make a soft white that would match my white cabinets. I painted this base coat on three times, making sure it dried thoroughly between coats. The instructions said to wait 24 hours between coats, but I didn't always obey this rule!
Then came the taping. A lot of taping. If you are wondering why it looks partly green already, that is because at first I lost patience with the taping and tried to free hand my next color. Uh, that didn't work out so well. So I brought out the painter's tape once again and stuck with it this time. I love (and swear by) this new green "frog tape"!
I then brought out my second color, a grayish-green tint, also in porch and floor paint. I painted the "non squares" this color, three times as well.
After this, I sealed the floor with four coats of polyurethane. I started on one side of the room, and by the time I had finished, it was time to start over. I used "Floor Finish" polyurethane made by Varathane, in semi-gloss. I wasn't intending to use a gloss, but that is the only sheen Lowe's had. I am glad I did, though. It makes it so much easier to take care of the floor, and I love the shine!
I then brought out my second color, a grayish-green tint, also in porch and floor paint. I painted the "non squares" this color, three times as well.
After this, I sealed the floor with four coats of polyurethane. I started on one side of the room, and by the time I had finished, it was time to start over. I used "Floor Finish" polyurethane made by Varathane, in semi-gloss. I wasn't intending to use a gloss, but that is the only sheen Lowe's had. I am glad I did, though. It makes it so much easier to take care of the floor, and I love the shine!
I will admit, it was a lot of work, but oh-so worth it! It is easy to keep clean, and best of all, it looks so much better than it did before! I can live happily with this floor until we can replace it! :)
Just a small disclaimer here, if you happened to see the unfinished things in my kitchen~ I am still ( yes, still!) working on this room! But I am closer than ever...really!
Well, thank you so much for stopping by! I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
(P.S. I am having trouble with the font/color settings on Blogger tonight, so please excuse the weird look of this post!)
We are linking to the following parties:
1. Domestically Speaking
2. Just a Girl
3.It's A Hodgepodge Life
4.Tatertots and Jello
5.The Shabby Nest
6.The Girl Creative
7.Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
8.Funky Junk Interiors
9.My Romantic Home
10. The DIY Showoff
11. Making the World Cuter
12. Between Naps on the Porch
13. The Shabby Chic Cottage
2. Just a Girl
3.It's A Hodgepodge Life
4.Tatertots and Jello
5.The Shabby Nest
6.The Girl Creative
7.Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
8.Funky Junk Interiors
9.My Romantic Home
10. The DIY Showoff
11. Making the World Cuter
12. Between Naps on the Porch
13. The Shabby Chic Cottage
Wow, I am floored :)
Your colour choices are wonderful. A lot of work for an amazing result.
Looks GORGEOUS!! I currently have a paper-bag floor and will need to do something about that soon, but I'm with you...budget is an issue right now...
Visitng from Show and Share day. I did a similar project like this to my patio. And I would agree frog tape is the best. Your floor look amazing and I love the colors. I am your newest follower!
That looks fantastic! Much better than before, your hard work paid off!
That was a lot of work, but totally worth it! Interested in your bead board too! Did you do that yourself?
Your kitchen looks like it will be a wonderful space.
Looks outstanding and so NIFTY THRIFTY! Your beadboard just gave me a idea for making a headboard for my daughter at her condo off at college...thanks:)
Looks awesome, I love it!!!
What Mel said... Holy Moly I am utterly in awe! Utterly. I don't even know what to say! I absolutely love this idea! Brilliant and your floor looks amazing!
I have a question. Did you use the border of your "tile" to give border to your new tile? I have a vinyl floor(hate it)and would love to do what you did, but on a bigger scale. I am wondering if the slight border of the vinyl "tiles" will show through because the pattern that I have is not the pattern that I want. Thanks for this post and your time:)
that looks fabulous! that is alot of work, can you walk on it w/ shoes or are you afraid to? i would hate to tear that up after so much hard work! it looks fantastic!
I love how subtle the colors are. It looks great!
Jenny, this is beautiful! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog...I'm going to follow yours. :)
I'm so glad I inspired this. They look amazing and I know you are going to enjoy them for a long time.
That looks fabulous!
What a fantastic job. At first glance I thought it was vinyl flooring.
Wow Jenni that is just amazing- I love love love your kitchen so much!
Oh wow. That turned out great. I love your kitchen.
That does sound like a lot of work. But the results are amazing!
I've been contemplating doing this to my vinyl and wow it really looks greats! I'm impressed and am now a follower : ))))
AAAmazing job! Holy Cow that is a ton of work but it really does look first rate! Just beautiful!
Wow, you did so much work on this and it shows! It looks wonderful!
You go girl!
Thank you for sharing!
that is amazing! i LOVE the colors you used and love the style. way to go!
This is BEAUTIFUL, Jenni! Oh my. So happy you gave me more than a sneak peek this time! Hmmm...I wonder if I could do something like this over my awful ceramic tile? Oh great, here comes ANOTHER project! Haha. Bravo!!!!
AMAZING! I had no idea you could do this!
This is great. Could you now come and do this to my bathroom floor?!?! Just kidding!
I am a little chicken to try this though. Maybe one day!
Love This! I am bookmarking this post right now! Stopping by from tater tots and jello. What an incredible idea! I would have never thought to paint the vinyl.
i just love that floor!!! you did a great job with everything! and I know this doesnt have anything to do with the post but I love the wood board panel looking walls you have behind the sink!
This looks amazing!! I have been wanting to do my vinyl floors in my laundry and kids broom for a while now. Thanks for the fabulous instructions and tips. I bet you come into that room and just sigh at how fabulous it looks!
This looks amazing!! I have been wanting to do my vinyl floors in my laundry and kids broom for a while now. Thanks for the fabulous instructions and tips. I bet you come into that room and just sigh at how fabulous it looks!
Wowzers - it looks fantastic! thanks for sharing.
STUNNING. makes me wish I could do that to my kitchen!
Truly Fabulous!!!!
What a difference. This looks great. I plan to do this to my downstairs bathroom.
I'll be painting my floor soon, I hope mine turns out this good! Great job!
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Our kitchen's flooring is also vinyl tile. Indianapolis, in our place, vinyl flooring and (Indianapolis) hardwood flooring are very popular because of its simplicity. When I read this blog, I'm so amazed to the painted floorings. This time, I'm planning to remodel our kitchen's flooring. I like the checkered design.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful idea!
I just found your blog- will be back! What you did here is amazing! My dream kitchen would have the same floor- done in the gray green you used. Love it!
OMG I have the ugliest vinyl flooring and I never dreamed of painting it. Thank you so much of your step by step post. I cannot wait to try this one out...just hope it turns out as gorgeous as your floor did. I'm so inspired...Yayyyyy!
I just you via a google search and I'm so glad I did! I would like to know if you sanded between poly coats?
Your kitchen floor looks amazing, how is it holding up?
I'm painting my bathroom vinyl floor today! I was searching around for any tips and pointers and found your floor. It looks amazing!
Thanks for posting this. I followed your procedure and everything has turned out great. I just have one question. I'm ready to put the floor finish poly on and was wondering if you lightly sanded your second coat of paint before doing that?
Gregg, I did not sand the floor after painting it, before sealing it with the varethane. I think that may be the technical rule, but I broke that one! I didn't have any problem with the varethane not bonding to the paint, so I think you would be safe if you didn't sand the floor before sealing it.
Wow! This looks great! Did you use the Valspar oil or latex porch/floor paint? Looks like oil, but wanted to be sure. I'm also looking into painting my vinyl.
Jen, I actually used Valspar latex porch and floor paint. And oh, I love that stuff! It worked wonderfully on the vinyl! :)
Looks amazing! I'd just like to point out that people should test to make sure their vinyl tile doesn't contain asbestos before sanding (which releases abestos into the air).
So glad I now have hope of changing my ugly kitchen floor.
You did an amazing job!!
Thanks for sharing this!
Wow this is really amazing. You have a great talent.
Hi this looks great. How has the wear and tear on the flooring? Do you notice any scratching and/or paint chipping? Thanks Anna
It has been two years since I painted the floor, and it has held up very well! It has scratched/chipped in a few spots when something sharp has fallen on it, but that is fairly easily remedied by lightly sanding it and then following the same process of primer, paint and varathane, if it is bothersome. I am honestly pleased with how it has turned out. :)
Thanks for stopping by and saying hello!
I love this. I have vinyl tiles on the bathroom floor of my new house which are in good condition but not to my taste. I am inspired to paint them by your blog
Fantastic! All is beautiful.
Wow, you did so much work on this and it shows! It looks wonderful! You go girl! Thank you for sharing! Leticia
What great ideas! Thanks so much for posting! I have been looking for ways to make my vinyl flooring in calgary a little more unique... These are definitely some great ideas!!! Thanks so much again for posting!
Hi - Love your floors! Just wondering did you use Latex or Oil based paint? Also how have your floors held up...now that its been almost 2 years?
Great job!
Ignore my previous comment...I obviously missed a few of the postings....my questions are already answered!
Your articles are actually inclusive signified out of respectively theme.
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Vinyl deck has made some amazing progress from the times of the meager designed vinyl, we take up with our grandmas kitchens. Yes that same vinyl that discoloured, peeled, tore and even had the example rub off leaving those white patches all around.
I've never thought of getting vinyl flooring in Toronto and then painting it. That is such a cool idea!!
I knew this blog post was existed someplace. Thanks to post such articles. Will unquestionably be using it very soon.
I knew this blog post was existed someplace. Thanks to post such articles. Will unquestionably be using it very soon.
It is a fantastic idea of painting the vinyl floor and I am thinking to paint my home floor in some way as you have done, I like it.
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Did you use an oil based polyurethane or water based? I had great luck with following your instructions until I applied the polyurethane which even though it said was a clear satin has left yellowish brown stains all over my newly painted floor. I'm not really sure how to fix this part and I'm heartbroken after spending three days painting the floor. Thanks for any advice you might be able to offer.
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Great post! Been reading tips for floor painting recently. Thanks for the info!
Thanks for this post! I'm thinking of doing some of my dining room floors like this. Thankya!
Never have I thought about painting my vinyl floors. It's actually a really good idea. you can't even tell if was a do it yourself project cause it looks so good! Thanks for sharing, I'm going to try this. Wish me luck.
I did not know where that you could paint your vinyl flooring. That is awesome and that is way cool to see what you did. That is not something like I said that you could do. Way amazing and you really did such a great job.
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I've been thinking about getting vinyl flooring in part of my basement for a little while now. It seems to me like it would be a good thing to have put in the wash room. Based on the pictures you've put up, it doesn't look like it will be too difficult to change the way it looks if I ever get tired of it.
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I think vinyl flooring would look great in my house. We have hardwood floors right now. Would we be able to put in the vinyl flooring over the wood floor or would we have to tear up the wooden flooring?
I think that it's an interesting idea to paint a vinyl design on a floor. These pictures look really great. I was considering hiring a contractor to instal vinyl floors in my kitchen, but I think I like painted the floor to have a vinyl design better.
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I'm so shock of how much you can do with vinyl flooring. We have this really old vinyl, and I was going to tear it out, but I think I'm going to try this. It's the exact look I was going for when I was going to renovate anyway!
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Now that you have painted your vinyl floors, you are going to want to get cleaning services that specialize in cleaning these specific things. That way you do not mess up all your hard work and that it will stay as clean as the first day that you did it. Well, at least that is what I would do since I would just want to very cautious. That must have taken so much time and I know that you want to keep it looking that way for a long time.
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Love what you're doing here guys, keep it up!..
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