Hello friends! I hope your weekend has been beautiful so far!
This weekend is an exciting one for me! NOT because I am turning 37~ aging itself has lost its excitement!~ but I am childlike in my love for birthdays, I admit it!

{Martha Stewart}
I love celebrating birthdays, and we make much ado about them in our little nest. This has transferred over to my husband and children fussing over me, each trying to make the day special...and you know what? I let them! ;)

Yes sirree, we go all out! We order a whole {apple} pie from a local eatery that makes fantastic pies, and this is the "cake". And of course, we eat out at a favorite restaurant for dinner! {This is one of our family traditions~ the birthday person always picks their favorite place!}

I love opening the handmade cards my children make, each one such a treasure to me!
And this year one of the reasons I am so very excited is because of the gift of time my husband is giving me as my gift this year.
We are building a headboard for our master bedroom, following plans from Ana White.
I think it is supposed to be a knock off of the Mason headboard from Pottery Barn, but don't quote me on this! Either way, it reminds me of it:
I love the rich dark wood and its rustic look. I love the height of the headboard, but also how the simple "plank" design tones it down a little.
{You will find plans for a twin and full sized bed, as well as a link to the queen sized bed, if you click on the above link, Ana White.}
SO this weekend you will find us in our garage, working on this and also on our girls' room renovation! To me, there is nothing more fun than home improvement, so I'm happy as a clam! :)
{Martha Stewart}
What is your favorite thing about your birthday, and what is your favorite birthday memory?
I hope you each have a lovely weekend, and a chance to do something you love! That makes such a difference, don't you think?
Blessings to you~
Happy Birthday, sweet Jenni!
The weather is so beautiful for you today! Enjoy!
I always eat cake for breakfast the morning after my birthday!
I wish you the best of blessings!
Happy Birthday, Jenni! You are still young, dear girl. I also love my birthday, I credit my mom for that, she always made my birthday very special. It's still one of my two most favorite days in the year. Christmas is the other!
I hope you enjoyed your favorite restaurant and a wonderful apple pie.
Hugs, Cindy
Happiest of birthdays to you!
Jenni, Thank you for all the advice about blogger, but I am a bit confused. Are you using the new? When you say the old is no longer an option does that mean it will switch on me and I won't be able to go back?
Happy Birthday beautiful Birthday girl :)
Jenni Oh my gosh!
here is what I did incase you need it to help you back with smooth sailing with blogger.
OMG! I so figured it all out, this is what you will do when it happens to you!
If you want to go back to the old format, click on the icon at the upper right hand corner of the page that looks kind of like a gear or very small narrow gray box. A drop down menu will give you the option to go back to the old format interface click onto it. It's easy, once you know where to go...
All bloggers are dealing with this its a matter of time for others.
Call in the COAST GUARDS I am sailing fine on the high seas
Jenni you so deserve your dream room please share the finished projects when you are done, I am excited to see how it plays a big part of your design style.
Those cakes look yummy thanks for sharing a bite with me!
Happy happy birthday Jenni!!!
How wonderful that your family treats you so special! I love home-made cards too.
Love the idea for your headboard and cant wait to see peeks of it.
Hmmmm... favourite birthday memory?
I think every one..because of family and friends meeting together and the fellowship.
Love and hugs to you dear friend!
Deborah xoxoxoxoxo
Oh your so funny....I too love my birthday..I think I will still be like a kid when i turn 99..there just so much fun....cards are a favorite part of mine...our son who is 24 still makes me cry with what he writes...love this post!! Oh and I am thrilled for you about your headboard!!! x0x0
Happy Birthday Jenni! I'll be 37 in August! 3 years closer to 40! Where did the years go. High School doesn't seem that long ago. Hope you are able to get your headboard started and make progress in your girls' bedroom. Have a beautiful day!!
Oh Jenni! Happy late birthday! How is the work on the headboard coming along? I'm sure it will be stunning!
I enjoy birthdays, too, but my favorite thing is doing fun stuff for other people's birthdays!! I do love receiving gift cards as presents, because it is so much fun to shop, and not to have to spend my own money!! LOL!!
Can't wait to see your finished project!!
And to get back to my life after this next wedding!!
Oh Jenni, Happy Birthday honey! sorry i missed it!!
mmmmm now i must have cake LOL!
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