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Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Homemade Lemon Foam Soap

Hello sweet friends! How has your week been so far? I hope things are going well for you! :)

Well now...

If you have been reading this blog for a while, you know I enjoy trying my hand at home made cleaning supplies. What began as a deep and abiding love for baking soda and its many uses has become an addiction to coming up with new cleaning concoctions! It has been a lot of trial and error {sometimes resulting in streaky windows or soap residue} but it is so much fun succeeding with that "perfect" cleaner!

One of my new attempts is Lemon Foam Soap. Another is Lavender Foam Soap, and it is a toss-up which smells more lovely!

Even my older children somehow find it easier and less bothersome to use this soap! 

Note: I think foam soap may be the cure for the natural repulsion children have toward hand washing in general. ;)

At a visit to my natural products store, I discovered something new {well, new to me!}: castille soap. In reality, it has been around for a long time!

I saw a recipe there in a little leaflet for foam soap made with castille soap, but it said to mix the soap solution with water with a one-to-one ratio.

I tested it for a while until I came up with what I think is just right: not so much soap you will be rinsing it off for hours, but definitely enough for a nice, soft lather.

To make both the lemon and the lavender soap, I measured one ounce of the castille soap into this little measuring cup.

Pour the castille soap into your foamer bottle, and then add six ounces of water to that.

After this, I added ten drops of lemon myrtle essential oil, and gently shook the bottle a bit to mix.

To make the Lavender Foam Hand Soap, I followed the same recipe, except I used twenty drops of lavender, rather than ten.

The potency of each essential oil varies, and the lemon verbena is about twice as strong as the more subtle lavender. 

It is truly amazing what essential oils add to a cleaning solution, and this is no exception. The castille soap that I use, though unscented, actually has a scent of its own that is very pleasant. The foam soap will smell nice even without the essential oils; but oh! If you like your soap scented as I do, it takes a nice hand soap to wonderful!

A quick review of what you'll need in case you'd like to make your own foam soap:

*a foamer bottle {different from a pump bottle}
*castille soap, such as Dr. Bonner's, which can be purchased at your local Target or online at Amazon. Super Supplements has the lowest price for theirs, bought online, for $9 for 64 oz.
*lemon or lavender essential oil, or your own favorite!
*measuring glass, with ounce markings

And that, my friends, is all it takes to make foam hand soap! Easy as pie. :)

*I am linking this to the Weekend Wrap Up party at Tatertots and Jello.

Thank you for visiting and I hope you have a beautiful Wednesday!



Unknown said...

Thanks so much for sharing your lovely recipes...I am about to begin my first attempt at soap making and can't wait to share them too.
I was also looking for a hand soap to replace the store bought varieties! Great timing Jenni!
Have a lovely week, xox Kerry

Tiff said...

What a fantastic soap recipe, I have always wanted to make liquid soap. I prefer liquid soap to cakes at the basins in my bathrooms. Another amazing inspirational idea! Thanks!
I hope you have a great week!
God bless! X

NanaDiana said...

Great recipe. I might give this a try. I have used the Castille soap for years...and I love it. My gramma always used it and it is such a fresh feeling soap, isn't it? xo Diana

AttemptingAloha said...

Mmmmm...I can almost smell the lemons and lavender! I'll have to see if I can find some Castille soap now!

How are you doing?


Ironstone and Pine said...

oooh Jenni, I gotta try this! I've been making my own laundry soap and not only does it look pretty but I know it cleans better and is healthier for the enviornment. I think we all need to get back to basics for all our cleaning needs like things were originally done when you didn't have all the choices on the store shelf. Thanks for posting this, please let us in on some other homeade cleaners again sometime! Happy weekend to ya! devon :)

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this, Jenni! Lemon verbena and lavender are my fav. cleaning scents. I've never heard of that soap either but I will definitely scout my Target for it! Have you ever tried mixed your lavender and lemon ee's? Wondering how that might smell with the essential oils. I have some lavender lemon soap that was store bought. I hope you've been well. Just stopping in to say hello!


sandy said...

Mmmmm I can almost smell the lemons and the lavender! This sounds like amazing soup and I will try this! Thank you for posting!

I just read your sweet, sweet comment,you lovely girl! Thank you so much for your kind words,they mean the world to me. I guess someone would have to go through it to know that it really is hard work. But I am getting tough lol, not really, I'm still a big baby when it comes to my muscles hurting.

Yes, I am getting good rest in between the removal sessions lol, (I like the way you termed that lol) I have to, there are days my body just says "no" you have to rest today.

huge hugggs! Sandy

johndaddy said...

Dr. Bronner's unscented baby contains no fragrance so is great for people who have allergies or sensitive skin. Of course it is great for babies.
Dr Bonner

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