Hello sweet friends! How has your week been so far? I hope it is going well for you!
Do you remember the little chicks we brought home a few weeks ago? Well, when my friend said to take pictures every day because they grow fast, she wasn't kidding!
They are not quite as little as they were before...
Here they are enjoying their first time outside in the yard. They can only have about ten to fifteen minutes and then they have to go back under the heat lamp, but they were so happy playing in the dirt. We hadn't weeded and mulched in this bed yet, so they lucked out!
{And they discovered worms!}

They are not quite as little as they were before...
Here they are enjoying their first time outside in the yard. They can only have about ten to fifteen minutes and then they have to go back under the heat lamp, but they were so happy playing in the dirt. We hadn't weeded and mulched in this bed yet, so they lucked out!
{And they discovered worms!}
Our two Rhode Island Reds, which are about a week and a half older than the other three, and beginning to look much more like miniature hens!

So far, no roosters mistaken for hens, so they sorted them out correctly at the chicken farm! ;)
And oh, how I am loving this! My oldest daughter is the child most interested in the chicks and "farm chores". Always quick to lend a hand anyway {good characteristic!} she is extra willing to help with the babies! {This includes dealing with the more, shall we say, smelly aspects of chicken raising.}
So let me introduce you to the chicks:
Lucy is the largest of them all, and the boss. She is the mama chick for sure, and is very protective of "her" flock.
{baby photo}
She will fall asleep sometimes when I hold her and likes to have her head stroked.
{baby pictures}
But "top chick" not withstanding, these two are both without a doubt seen as the flock's fearless protectors...but from what I do not yet know. ;)
Penguin is gentle, inquisitive and very intelligent.
He was the first to figure out he could go to the other side of the circular feeding trough, while the others fought over the other remaining half.
{baby picture}
Kudos to Penguin!
Sparkler is one of our Buff Orpingtons. She is very sweet, shy, and timid in personality, and loves hanging out with Lucy and Pumpkin...
{Sparkler is the chick in the front.}
Occasionally she will forget how to get back down to the lower level of their coop.
Picture my oldest daughter and I attempt to show her how to navigate her way down to no avail, Sparkler chirping loudly the whole while. At one moment of total frustration, my daughter cried, "OH! She just needs to use her brain!"
I tried to say it as respectfully and gently as possible, but let's just say Sparkler does not have an inner compass. :)
{baby photo}
I have bribed her with a lot of hand-fed chicken grit, and think this may be why she loves me so much! ;) She will sit in my hand when taking a break from eating...so cute and endearing!
I have bribed her with a lot of hand-fed chicken grit, and think this may be why she loves me so much! ;) She will sit in my hand when taking a break from eating...so cute and endearing!
All in all, this is a lot of fun! It won't be long and they will be outgrowing their temporary coop {i.e., large rabbit hutch} in the garage, and will have the feathers they need to be in an outdoor coop!
So the question remains...what kind of a coop to build?
{via google}
{Okay, I'm joking on that last part, and with permission from my husband!} ;)
But clearly we need to
So, which of the three first coops is your favorite?
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!
Much love,
Oh how darling the little chicks are! What a fun project to work on a dream coop. You should do a post called show us your coop> Then we could ooh and ahhh over the coops like we do our homes. Your blog always brightens my day and makes my heart smile. Have a great week Jenni
Love your chicks. I am new to raising chickens too and one of my rhode island reds is named Lucy. :) I am having fun with these and they grow so fast. Those are some darling chicken coops you showed. I wonder which one you will build.
lol on your hubby's choice for coops!
I know you will have something really cute and nice for your darling chicks! I really enjoyed your story. It's so cute how they have such personalities. I want some too! maybe next year we shall see!
Your chickens are so adorable Jenni...and their names are too cute! It's so funny how much personality they have even from a young age. My very patient hubby & son-in-law built our chicken coop (a design very much like your second image)which is from Heather Ballard. It took ten weekends & a few tiny arguments. I am all for design, but hubby is more for practicality... If you need help I am more than happy to give you some of the measurements etc we used. It is a very practical coop with easy access to all areas - very important when it comes to cleaning!
Looking forward to seeing more photos as your darling chickens grow xx Kerry
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