Are you having a good week so far? I sure hope so! :)
It has been almost two weeks since I last know, I never actually plan "blog breaks"~ they just kind of happen! Life gets crazy and one day turns into a week, into two weeks...I keep saying I am going to be more consistent, but obviously have yet to make that goal!
But you remember how we finished the bead board ceiling in our master bath?
Well, two weekends ago, I put the chandelier together, and my husband and I installed it! Well actually, my husband did most of the installing. {Although I did hold it up while he screwed it in!} ;)
We deliberately left a little space between the ceiling and the chandelier for now, because I had been touching up around that area a couple of days before... (Not so bright, I know!) But we will let the ceiling fully cure before tightening the chandelier tight against the ceiling.
I did find a large vintage mirror that I like, and it was exactly the style I was looking for. It did need a little gluing on a couple of the corner joints, which David did for me. I will be painting it a bright white, and hopefully it will be done by this weekend! I will be sure to show you a picture when it's up, plus a "before" picture. :)
We still have the ceiling fan to replace, and it will surely look better than it does now! I am almost positive that the fan there now must have been the original one installed when our house was built...forty-three years ago...It is SO loud!
SO...the gray paint above the bead board is done. The bead board and chair rail has been primed and painted, as has the vanity cabinet. We still need to replace the fan, of course; and I need finish the caulking, sew a sink skirt~

make a curtain for the window, and replace the faucet. This is the one I am going to order:

{Do you have an opinion on which faucet handle is best? I am leaning toward the last one, but the solid lever one is nice, too...}
It is finally all coming together, and I am loving my bathroom for the first time ever! It really feels like a different room, and that is a very good thing! ;)
By the way, I wanted to say Happy Spring to you all! We made it! (And I really think the worst of winter is behind us now.) :)
And I will leave you with a gorgeous bathroom inspiration picture I recently found at Better Homes and Gardens:

I hope you have a wonderful night, and a great Thursday!
Blessings to you~