If I lived in a farmhouse, it wouldn't have to be perfect.
Of course, we would want to avoid one that was too much of a fixer upper...
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But I wouldn't mind one that needed a little help here and there.
It would be an old home, and each room would have a story to tell...
We'd fix it up and make it home sweet home.

It would be an old home, and each room would have a story to tell...

We'd fix it up and make it home sweet home.

It would have a wide front porch with a swing for relaxing with a cup of coffee,

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and a porch ceiling painted a soft shade of blue.

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It would have old wood floors that creak a little when you walk on them...

...and a claw foot bathtub, the perfect tonic for those long hours working on the house or around the farm.

If I lived in a farmhouse, I would wake up early each morning to the sounds of my chickens clucking.

They would be wanting their breakfast, and I would need to collect the eggs.
Every day I would tend to the other animals and the kitchen garden...

I would drive an old Chevy truck, just perfect for driving into town and picking up groceries or hay for our animals.

We would have a little cottage next door~ a cute little cottage, sweet and cozy...

It would be our little bed and breakfast cottage...
On our land I would grow a small lavender farm. You could find me there weeding and planting to my heart's content.

And there would have to be a purple bench nearby!

If I lived in a farmhouse, I would look out our kitchen window and see our fields...

Wide open spaces to live and grow...
And we would watch glorious sunsets together from our front porch

...or while taking an evening walk.

And we would thank God that we lived in such a beautiful place and called it home.
This is the little dream that we hold close, and pray one day will be for our family. But we have decided there are ways to have a farmhouse in the country, even if you don't live there! More on these ideas later...
Thank you for stopping by for a visit, and I hope you have a lovely Monday! :)