Yet another weekend has flown by! I hope yours was a good one!
I spent this weekend working more on the girls' room and staining the headboard my husband made for our room.
I played helper, but in the end he was really the one doing most all of the work! {But I watched closely because I have some serious furniture making aspirations!}
I can't wait to see how it will look in our room and promise to show pictures! Now I am thinking what we should make for Mother's Day! Ha! ;)
Now then...
I mentioned recently that a beach cottage bedroom was in the works...

{Beach Studios}
And it's true, we are still working away...
Do you remember how after trying many, many samples, I finally found the right robin's egg blue for the bead board wall? I ended up having them make it at 75% of the color, and it is just right! {Is it possible to love a paint color?} I just have one more coat to brush on, and it is done!
{The color is "Enamelware" by Martha Stewart, which can be found at Home Depot.}
I am really happy with the bright white paint on the other three walls, which are a nice contrast to the blue accent wall.
And the sweet chandelier we finally hung up...{Picture from Pottery Barn Kids}
This is especially exciting because we have wanted to replace all of our hallway doors since we moved here! So this is a little step toward that goal. :)
We'll also be putting down wide, white plank floors that I hope will look like this:

{Beach Studios}
{simply delicious, aren't they?}
This time, we are laying down actual planks {in the girls' room} versus the plank floor look I created on our master bedroom plywood floor...

Another thing on the list is replacing the girls' bunk beds with white iron beds like these from Pottery Barn Kids, or maybe like this:
{Charles P. Rogers Beds Direct}
...however, this one might take a while because I'm doing this on the cheap {by way of Craigslist, garage sales, etc.}
But that's okay, because sometimes good things take time, especially when on a budget. ;)
They will each have a new desk that will also serve as a night stand besides their beds...we'll be doing this one on the cheap as well! More on this later...
So it is coming along, slowly but surely! It just makes me smile to work on these things that I have wanted to do in their room for a long time! It's pure joy!
Well, that is all for now! Thank you for stopping by, and I hope you have a lovely Monday! :)