How are you doing? I hope you had a wonderful and very Merry Christmas and that your New Years was a fun one!
I can't believe I have been out of the blogging loop for about three months now, and again I want to apologize for disappearing!
We took on a little too much as far as home projects go this past summer and fall...{does a henhouse count as a home project?}
The house appears to be unlevel, but it isn't, I promise! By adding a small porch extending out from the front of the house, it won't be obvious it's built on a slope. :)

We finished building and painting the coop itself, but didn't finish the run before winter arrived. We made a makeshift run for them to use {hence the funny little door in the picture} and when the spring comes, we will be building them the "real" one! We'll also need to add a small porch to the little house. I was actually still painting the inside of the henhouse after the weather changed, and was so glad to be done with it! {It was way too cold out there!}
I went back to work on the everlasting project of the girls' bedroom. I say everlasting because there are truly days I think it will never be done! ;)
I finished the wide plank flooring in the closet and am painting the ceiling and walls now. The girls consider this great fun, as this means they get to sleep in the living room each night until the painting is done!
I am almost ready to start showing you pictures of the room, but want it to be just right before I do! But I can't leave you without a few photos! :)
{Dried lavender makes me long for spring!}
Well, now you know where I've been {i.e., in the henhouse} but next time I write I will share something special that I have been working on! :)
But how have you been? How was your Christmas? I have missed you all so, and am excited to visit and see how you are doing! I will be having fun catching up on all of you! :)
Have a good night and a beautiful Friday!